Sunday, March 8, 2020

Weekly Email - 24 February 2020


This week was super awesome! We have started teaching 2 new people. Both of them we knocked on their door and they both let us in and we taught them the Restoration which was super awesome and 1 of them we taught again that week and the other we had at church and he is super promising! Ut was really awesome to see the Lords hand in His work! We had a really good week and we are excited to see the miracles continue. I know this is His work. The joy I see in people and the spirit that enters their lives is so incredible!

Love Elder West

Church Member Message - 12 February 2020

Your sons bearing testimony to us tonight at Chamberlin family FHE. Elder Huang, Elder Esplin, Elder Roberts, Elder West. We love them. They are so happy - they are teaching some remarkable seekers of truth & they each bore powerful testimonies tonight. Thank you for sharing your sons with us.
David & Jenny Chamberlin
Mission Viejo CA Stake

That was Easy - 10 February 2020

No real explanation for this video...

Weekly Email - 10 February 2020

Hello Friends!

This week was super great! We saw some cool miracles! One miracle we saw was right before we were about to go to a lesson we knock on one more door and a guy opens it and talks to us and tells us his aunt is a member and that the Elders had come before and gave his sister a blessing since she is always sick. So we said we would be happy to as well if she would like. So he asked and she said yes! So we went in and talked to them and the spirit was very present we talked about the priesthood, and about the spirit and then we gave her a blessing and they said they would love to have us back to share more with them! It was super cool and got us super excited! Then the other big one was my companion and I were planning out our next week in the computer lab at our apartment and then a woman walks in a asks if we are using the computer. We said yes and then she asked if we work here and we said no we are missionaries. Then she asked us what church and we told her and she got so excited and sat down and started telling us about her family that she wanted us to pray for and that we were her 2 "angels" it was awesome. So we prayed for her family and then she asked who she could pray for and she prayed for our families and for us to be made instruments in Gods hands! It was so awesome! It's cool to see how God works in ways we dint even understand at 1st. And then we see the great incredible and unexplainable things that come. And it doesn't just happen to missionaries, we can all feel and experience those kind of things in our lives!

Love Elder West

Weekly Email - 3 February 2020


This week was a super! We went finding a lot this week and made it a extra point to testify at every door. We went tracting on super bowl Sunday and there were not a lot of people that were happy to see us. Eventually we decided to ask how the game was as our conversation starter. We had a slow week but we still had a lot of cool things happen too. We had a cool lesson with some of our friends and we had planned to teach the restoration but we asked then what they wanted to learn and ended up teach about the Liahona, faith, and commitment!

Have a great week!

Love Elder West

Zone Conference - 30 January 2020

Michael is still in the Mission Viejo district within the Newport Beach Mission. I was excited to see him in a video that was made of all the missionaries singing. He is front and center.

Looking Cool - 28 January 2020

Michael was out on exchanges (trade companions) today with Elder Huang and they were out looking pretty cool!

Weekly Email - 27 January 2020

Hello everyone,

I am sorry for not being consistent in my emails sometimes I forget and and am too lazy hahaha. Thus week went by really fast and I cant think of anything in particular that happened that was super amazing except that I receive great strength from the Lord to do whatever He needs me to do. Not just as full-time missionaries are able to have this great power. In the scriptures in multiple places it tells us to keep the commandments and you will prosper and it also tells us that through faith we are able to work mighty miracles by the power of God. I know this is true I have seen it! I live you and and am so grateful for your support.

Love Elder West