Sunday, January 12, 2020

Weekly Email - 23 December 2019

Hey ladies and gents, 

We had a great week we are really starting to get this place up and running! I'm really excited to see where this is all going to lead. We focus on inviting. The more you invite people the more people will accept! So invite invite invite that's all you have to do, invite! We have been getting a lot of referrals and it has been hastening the work and the members are happier too! So if you want increased happiness WORK WITH THE MISSIONARIES. Invite people to things! Love your neighbors! 
I know it will help and bless you!
Here is a little spiritual thought for the day too.

One of my favorite verses in the Book of Mormon is 

"And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day." - Alma 36:3
I bolded trials, troubles, and afflictions because when I was thinking about this verse I thought it was interesting how these 3 words were all used because they all are pretty much the same I thought so i looked up each of their definitions and it was a eye opening experience for me.
Affliction- pain; suffering, anything causing pain or distress; calamity.

Trial - the act or process of trying, testing, or putting to the proof; test; testing of qualifications, attainments, or progress; the fact or state or being tried by suffering, temptation that tries ones endurance.

Trouble - to disturb or agitate, to cause mental agitation to; worry; harass; perturb; vex; to cause pain, discomfort, or inconvenience to.

So each definition is close but not the same which really grew my testimony of the Book of Mormon and how this prophet used 3 different words I would have made mean the same thing but they each have slightly different and profound meanings to show how ever encompassing the Atonement of Jesus Christ really is it helps us in ALL our hard times! 
Love Elder West

1st pic - Christmas tree from members
2nd pic - visited San Clemente!
3rd pic - weekly planning

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