Monday, February 4, 2019

Weekly Email - 28 January 2019

Hey everyone!

This week was amazing! We had an absolutely great week! We had an elder from a different zone with us for most of the week so that president could see how exchanges would go in between zones for a longer time. So he was with us tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. And we had the best time ever. Numbers aren't as important as people but they sure pump you up. We handed out 43 copies of the Book of Mormon to genuine people who were interested found 12 people we are going to start teaching about it and even set a person we found on date for baptism! This week really opened my eyes to how we can really be guided by the Holy Ghost in all things and we called this week the sons of mosiah week! Today Elder Walker and I went on a hike to the top of a small mountain and while we were working our way up I looked down and saw a rock covered with some dirt and for some reason I picked it up and started to smooth the dirt off, at the time not knowing why I was doing it. But once we got to the top we both took a little personal time and reflected. I brought a copy of The Book of Mormon with me to read and receive inspiration and I opened it to Alma chapter 24 this is the chapter where the Lamanites converted by the sons of mosiah now called the Anti-Nephi-Lehis buried their weapons and were blessed so much for putting something that was holding them back far far away. 
Even though 1005 of them were killed they knew that they were going to their God because they had repented of killing and would not fight their attackers. And because of their diligence to keep their promise with God many of their attackers repented and joined them. I was thinking about this and came up with some things that were holding me back from getting closer to God and being the missionary He wants and needs me to be. I wrote those things on a piece of paper and buried it in the ground on the top of that mountain, I put my "swords" in the ground never to be brought back up again. I invite each of you to do the same, it may seem weird but think about something that is holding you back. Maybe its being shy maybe its anger or whatever it is the important thing is that its between you and your Heavenly Father. Once you have found however many things, write them on a piece of paper and include this is my sword that I am going to bury, and then literally bury them in the ground. I know that this sounds weird but it is a great feeling to literally put things away t never see them again. Then after that I went and sat down on the table that is up there and looked and the rock I had picked up and realized that the rock is me. Jesus Christ picked me up off the ground and has been brushing the dirt of off me piece by piece. I know that Christ is our Savior and that He will brush the dirt of off us if we let Him. It won't happen all at once but it will happen. Thanks for all the support and I hope you all have a great week!
Love Elder West

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